Basic elements of roulette: rules, bets and payouts

Basic elements of roulette: rules, bets and payouts

Basic elements of roulette: rules, bets and payouts

We have to recognize the fact that not every person reading this article has a lot of experience playing roulette. This is a kind of roulette guide for beginners, because for some of you it might be your first introduction to the world of online casinos. It covers the rules, bets and suitable payouts.

Essentially, the object of the game is to guess what number the ball will fall on after it spins. As mentioned above, each roulette game consists of a wheel, a betting scheme and a white ball that the dealer throws while spinning the wheel.

Each round of roulette begins by asking players to place a bet. At the end of the betting period, the croupier sets the wheel in motion and throws a ball into it, which causes the wheel to spin.

The player must be familiar with the options listed in the betting scheme before placing a bet. Betting is done by drawing chips from the casino to specific betting areas.

Bets can be placed on individual numbers or on a combination of numbers and colors in roulette. Internal and external bets in roulette are usually separated.

Inside bets are placed on specific quantities. These include corner bets, straight bets and split bets with payout percentages of 35: 1, 17: 1 and 17: 1.

Outside bets can be red or black, odd or even, high or low, with a range of 1 to 18 and 19 to 36. A dozen pays out at odds of 1: 1, and a dozen pays out at odds of 2: 1. Finally, column bets also pay out at twice the odds.

You should also think about casino benefits if you want to become a successful roulette player.

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