Several strategies for playing Winshark slots online

Several strategies for playing Winshark slots online

Several strategies for playing Winshark slots online

You can easily make money by knowing certain strategies.

To use the strategy in practice, first of all you need to make a budget for one session. You need to divide this amount by the number of slots to be played on.

Zigzag strategy

This scheme is based on visual observation of the slot. It is necessary to memorize good combinations, and then look for them on other reels.

If successful, the slot has the following arrangement of symbols:

  • in the form of a V-letter;
  •  horizontal;
  •  rhombus-shaped.

You can avoid the standards and find your favorite “zigzags”. But it will take time and practice.

D’Alambert’s strategy

Many players use this scheme. There should be one line in the game. The first bet should be less than the minimum bet. However, after each burn of money, it should be increased by the original amount. And start from zero after winning.

The logic of this system is very simple: the cycle of failure will always be interrupted. All costs will be covered by the winnings.

It should be noted that the d’Alambert strategy requires a long game with a constant alternation of wins and losses. Thus, it is suitable only for those players who constantly work and want to win.

One Line Strategy

If you choose this strategy, you must play on a single reel line. The bets should be made according to the scheme: 1-2-4-10-20-50-100. You can play on several slots at the same time. If the seven-step plan has reached the end, it must be re-spun.

Several strategies for playing Winshark slots online
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